Lawd, someone help! I'm not totally web illiterate, but when I have to get in the code I'm a bit hit or miss. I would love some of your genius!
Here's my site:
I have an opt-in bar that looks fine in chrome and safari, but then goes wide in Firefox. I hired a web designer to set it up for me, who has since gone MIA, so I'm on my own now.
Here's the problem (see links for screen shots):
I'm thinking it's a problem with LayerSlider WP, since it looks like it almost needs to be moved to front?
Another note: It was working fine before I uninstalled WPSuperCache (I was having problems with my posts not updating), and then it went wonky. I tried reinstalling and it stayed broken. I don't see why that would have caused it to break, but it's worth noting.
Help me wordpress gods! Happy Holidays!