I want to run a function right after the user clicks on the "add new" button for a custom post. {$old_status}_{$new_status} won't help because those and their relations fire after the custom post is created. I need the function to run before the custom post is created.
Here's the detailed explanation: I have a list of members of a group, where the member custom post was created with the Pods plugin. My users are members of that group, and so have access to the list so they can create/modify/delete their data. Some of my users are barely computer literate, and easily confused. When a user hits the "add new" button, I want to be able to show them all the member names associated with their userid so they don't recreate an existing member.
I have looked all over the WordPress site, and even looked through the hooks listed for WordPress 3.9 on Adam Brown's site. I'm afraid I'm stuck.