Other posts on this subject are not really resolved or are old...
I currently have a legacy site that uses phpbb as a support forum with site-wide authorization and status. The site itself has many sub directories and pages i am thinking of installing a fresh wp install with bbpress and getting rid of the phpbb alltogether. I would like to have the same functionality across all the pages in the site as loged in users are delivered different content on different pages. With phpbb i use a function on pages like this one for a page in the root other directories just change root path to phpbb
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = './forum/';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
// Start session management
$username = request_var('username', '', true);
$password = request_var('password', '', true);
$autologin = (!empty($_POST['autologin'])) ? true : false;
$result = $auth->login($username, $password, $autologin);
if ($result['status'] == LOGIN_SUCCESS)
//User was successfully logged into phpBB
// append/replace SID
$redirect = reapply_sid('curPageURL()');
meta_refresh(0, $redirect);
$badlogin = 'bad';
if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
$redirect = request_var('redirect', "index.$phpEx");
Looking if anyone has done this with Wordpress and what i might need to do. I know I will have to define cookie path but what else am i getting into any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks Chuck