I need to insert some posts and pages into wp_post database with Php code directly. Now the code it's working but I would to insert a Shortcode in the Content of generated post (this shortcode is generated by Shortcode Exec PHP plugin and contains some php lines) . The problem is that when I enter to generated post, the output is : [shortcode]? and not : Hello World (if, for example, the shortocode is echo "Hello World";
I'm using this code:
$ip = 'myserver';
$user = 'mydatabaseuser';
$password = 'mypass';
$db_name = 'mydatabsename';
$conn = mysql_pconnect($ip,$user,$password) or die();
$error = mysql_select_db($db_name,$conn) or die();
$data="INSERT INTO mydatabsename
, post_author
, post_date
, post_date_gmt
, post_content
, post_title
, post_excerpt
, post_status
, comment_status
, ping_status
, post_password
, post_name
, to_ping
, pinged
, post_modified
, post_modified_gmt
, post_content_filtered
, post_parent
, guid
, menu_order
, post_type
, post_mime_type
, comment_count
) VALUES ('1202', '0', '2014-09-14 00:00:00', '2014-09-14 00:00:00', '[shortcode]', 'test', 'test', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'test', '', '', '2014-09-14 02:06:11', '2014-09-14 05:21:26', '', '0', '', '0', 'post', '', '0');";
echo "inserted!";
I tried to insert Posts with "wp_insert_post" native function but allways generates duplicates posts in database.
How Can I solve this issue? Wich method is better to insert posts/pages manually in wp_post database?
Thanks in advance.