My have an event driven site and some of our events are hosted on as well. I currently have the attendee list from meetup being merged with the attendee list on my site.
The issue is my RSVP will appear twice since I am on both lists. When the meetup list is being added to my site, I would like to prevent my information from being displayed based on adding that ID to a custom field in my event.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. My code is as follows:
/* load Meetup attendees - code starts here */
$MEETUP_API_KEY = "b3d07b1b40124b62694a16255445b"; /* UPDATE WITH YOUR MEETUP API KEY */
$ar_MeetupId = get_post_custom_values("Meetup ID"); // fetch the Meetup ID attribute values
$meetupId = $ar_MeetupId[0];
if($meetupId!='') { // if a Meetup Id is assigned to the event load attendees from
$URL = "" . $meetupId . "&key=" . $MEETUP_API_KEY;
$cURL = curl_init();
curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_URL, $URL);
curl_setopt($cURL, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
$json_string = curl_exec($cURL);
$response = json_decode($json_string, true);
$count = $response['meta']['total_count']; // find total count of attendees
for($i=0;$i<count($response['results']);$i++) {
$is_attending = $response['results'][$i]['response'];
if(strtolower($is_attending) == 'yes') { // only display attendees who have accepted to attend the event
if($response['results'][$i]['member_photo']['thumb_link']!='') // if a thumbnail image is available display it in 50x50
echo '<div style="width:16em; float:left;"><div class="avatar"><div style="float:left; width:5em; height:5em;"><img src="' . $response['results'][$i]['member_photo']['thumb_link'] . '" width="3.75em" height="3.75em" style="width:3.75em;height:3.75em;"></div></div>';
echo '<div style="width:4em; float:left;"><img src="/nophoto.jpg" width="3.75em" height="3.75em" style="width:3.75em;height:3.75em;"></div>';
echo '<div style="width:11em; float:left;"><h6>'. $response['results'][$i]['member']['name'] .'</h6></div>';
echo '<div style="width:2em; float:left;"><h6>(' . ($response['results'][$i]['guests'] + 1) . ')</h6></div>';
echo '<div style="width:10em; float:left;"> </div></div>';
/* load Meetup attendees - code ends here */