I was using the following in functions.php to restrict / customize the available colors in the wysiwyg editor to brand colors only.
function hope_custom_palette( $hopecolors ) { $hopecolors['theme_advanced_text_colors'] = 'F46A1F,002244,91420E,F0AB00,F7E654,BED600,00685B,5482AB,00B0CA,BBE7E6,4D4F53,000000'; $hopecolors['theme_advanced_more_colors'] = false; return $hopecolors; } add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'hope_custom_palette');
It's come to my attention that this no longer works because of the inclusion of TinyMCE 4 in the WordPress core.
Can anyone suggest a manner to do this at the theme level, rather than editing it in the core itself? (and therefore having to revise after every core upgrade ...)
Much thanks