I saw one other thread (closed) about this and it only pointed to an existing plugin that didn't get the customer what they were looking for. I'm hoping that this reaches the eyes of some knowledgeable coder that may be able to help me.
For almost 10 years, I've had a PHP-Nuke forum for the sole purpose of running one particular module - ClearChat. There is NO OTHER chat system anywhere that can beat this for customization and for ease of use for both admin and user. It's only drawback is that it was written solely for Nuke. I have talked with the developer (an online friend) and he has no plans for writing another chat program in another platform. He also has no problem with me porting this over to something else.
My web host really wants me to dump Nuke. They keep claiming that the code is so old that it must be the reason that they are getting hacked. They won't look at the actual code, just the revision date, so they can't tell for sure. About every 6 months this comes up and I have to promise them that I'll find another way to run this chat.
Being a php-nuke module, it is integrated with the forum logon system, and then the chat comments are integrated into the dbase log as they are validated with the user's account. If I can have the same functionality of this code but in a different database (like wordpress or some other system?) then I'd be willing to pay someone to port the code for me.
Any thoughts?