Hey everyone, I've recently noticed my site has started to become a complete headache. I've tried optimization after optimization and nothing seems to work. Meaning I've installed one plugin no dice so I uninstall and try another. I'm not continuously building plugins repetitively. My site used to load in about a second or 2. Now its more like 5 or 6. Even my wordpress dashboard takes a very long time to load. Nothing much has changed since when it was last working. I've updated some plugins which might be the case but maybe not?
Is there anyway you guys could point me in the right direction on this?
my site: http://www.simplefix.net funny because its an IT site for computer repair but I'm totally stumped. My google page speed insights shows 86/100 for desktop and 58/100 for mobile. https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsimplefix.net&tab=mobile
Any ideas?