I am new at this and seeking help, I'm really need a light at the end of the tunnel, so if you can help me, please do it! I will be very grateful!
The question is, what do I do to when someone fills out a form and send, wordpress sends this form to the existing users in the website, and filtered by location / service you choose in form?
It is possible to do something like this in wordpress? I quite understand html / css / javascript bases, and very little php. maybe that's the problem.
In my view I think it should be doing some modifications here and there ...
I found something similar here, but in my case, my group emails would have to be filtered by the parameters they chose the form.
I apologize if I'm not being clear, or if I'm asking for much, really needed was a guide to help me deal with these problems, but if you can solve this I will already be very happy :)
Greetings to all