I am looking for a plugin or a modification of a plugin that I could use to sell products that has a list of options with multiple choices to choose before going to the checkpoint. E.g.
Team-A v Team-B,
Team-C v Team-D,
Team-E v Team-F,
Team-G v Team-H,
Team-I v Team-J,
Team-K v Team-L,
Team-M v Team-N,
Team-O v Team-P.
It could be different and need to be altered:
Team-A v Team-D,
Team-C v Team-B,
Team-E v Team-H,
Team-G v Team-F,
Team-I v Team-L,
Team-K v Team-J,
Team-M v Team-P,
Team-O v Team-N.
The feature that I am looking for in more details are:
- The minimum options to choose could be set.
- Each chose has a time limit, it will expire and deleted from the list.
- I could add/delete more chooses anytime.
- Set a price on how many options chosen.
I would appreciate help on this and thanks in advance.