I'm doing a website made with WordPress 3.8.1 and the theme "ResponsivePortfolioDessign" which has 2 languages: English and Spanish
here: adriaginger.com
As you can see, Qtranslate has allowed me to translate everything except the Main-Logo, the Footer, and the line "My Last Shortfilms".
How can I do to have a different logo and footer depending the language selected ("en" or "es")?
Here some code regarding Logo (header.php):
<header id="header">
<div class="container">
<div class="logo_cont">
<?php if(get_option($shortname.'_custom_logo_url','') != "") { ?>
<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_option($shortname.'_custom_logo_url',''); ?>" class="logo" alt="logo" /></a>
<?php } else { ?>
<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/logo.png" class="logo" alt="logo" /></a>
<?php } ?>
And here some code regarding Footer (footer.php):
<?php $shortname = "design_studio"; ?>
<div class="footer_copyright_cont">
<div class="footer_copyright">
<div class="container">
<?php echo stripslashes(stripslashes(get_option($shortname.'_copyright_text',''))); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
Thanks!! :)