Like the topic says: How can I take advantage of the Theme Details interface? You know the popup similar thing.
I have checked the source code in themes.php and its seams like its build with something with <script type="text/template">, that I can't figure out how its build. I have also tried the ThickBox but I don't find it working well, it's working different on every page. In the themes.php I found this code
wp_enqueue_script( 'theme' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'customize-loader' );
But I don't understand why they use add_thickbox, I cant see where they using it? The popup for Theme Details isn't build with ThickBox?
I'm building a plugin and I want to make a link in the admin_bar_menu referencing to an popup (with the Theme Details interface) on every page. Is this even possibly?