Some info:
1. I'm using a custom build wp_query to display a list of custom posts with some custom post fields. Works great.
2. I'm using the following code to sort the posts ASC/DESC depending on custom fields. Simple url GET with custom keys and values. Also works fine.
<a href="<?php echo esc_attr( add_query_arg( 'order', 'city_desc' ) ); ?>"></a>
if (isset($_GET['order'])) {
$sort= $_GET['order'];
if($sort == 'city_desc'){
$args['order'] = 'DESC'; $args['meta_key'] = 'city';
The problem
When I enable pagination and sort the results - everything seems fine at first: the order is ok, the posts get split ect. But when I enter the second page of results something strange happens.
Let's say I have 3 posts and a custom field 'price':
POST A - 100
POST B - 200
POST C - 300
Posts per page is set to 2.
Pagination page #1 after sorting DESC I get:
POST C - 300
POST B - 200
But on page #2 I get:
POST C - 300
and that's it
So it seems there is a conflict between the pagination function which returns a given number of posts (1 in this example) on the 2nd page, but uses the sorting, resulting in a duplicate of POST C.
Here are the URL for those pages:
For sorted results:
For page #2
I'm using a plugin to do the pagination.
Any thoughts? :)