In the never-ending hunt to make WP even easier and quicker for clients, I'm looking for a method to add Child posts/pages/CPTs from a parent page (I've searched the forum, but it seems almost every "child page" topic deals with adding child pages to the menu).
I don't even know if such a thing is really possible from one page to another... I have not seen anything like this, aside from plugins which automatically add multiple pages at once (like "Simple add pages or posts")
It doesn't need to be an in-page, AJAXy sort of thing; just a URL to a new page with the Parent already set would be great.
Perhaps there is a way to add a parameter to the "Add New" URL (wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=custom_type_here) to specify a parent URL?
Or perhaps there is a plugin that I have not found in all my searching?