I have read the docs for add_submenu_page a thousand times. This is getting very old.
I have a custom top-level menu "Site Manager" which I mean to poopulate with half a dozen custom plugins. Only I can't seem to get past hooking up the first child. (The top-level has no direct child menu items, just an information page.)
- I hook 'admin_menu' in _init (class-based php file)
- I see error_log msgs for _init, then add_ci_submenu, then the returned suffix is logged
- at which point the screen dies with the proverbial You do not have sufficient permissions... yada yada
- I proceed to rip out my hair
What am I doing wrong? It seems so baldly simple. No?
Here's my code:
class ContactInfo {
var $suffix; // menu tag suffix
public function __construct() {
add_action( 'init', array( &$this, '_init' ));
public function _init() {
wp_register_sidebar_widget('ci-widget','Contact Information',array(&$this,'ci_widget'));
if( is_admin()) {
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( &$this, 'admin_enqueue_styles_scripts' ));
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( &$this,'add_ci_submenu' ));
add_action( 'wp_ajax_coop-save-ci-change', array( &$this, 'ci_admin_save_changes'));
public function frontside_enqueue_styles_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'coop-ci' );
// wp_enqueue_script( 'coop-ci-js' );
public function admin_enqueue_styles_scripts($hook) {
// if( 'toplevel_page_site-manager' !== $hook && $this->suffix !== $hook ) {
// return;
// }
wp_register_script( 'coop-ci-admin-js', plugins_url( '/js/ci-admin.js',__FILE__), array('jquery'));
wp_register_style( 'coop-ci-admin', plugins_url( '/css/ci-admin.css', __FILE__ ), false );
wp_enqueue_style( 'coop-ci-admin' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'coop-ci-admin-js' );
public function add_ci_submenu() {
$this->suffix = add_submenu_page( 'site-manager', 'Contact Information', 'Contact Information', 'manage_options', 'contact-information', array(&$this,'admin_ci_settings_page'));
error_log('suffix: '. $this->suffix);
public function admin_ci_settings_page() {
// if( ! current_user_can('manage_local_site') ) die('You do not have required permissions to view this page');
$out = array();
$out[] = '<div class="wrap">';
$out[] = '<div id="icon-options-general" class="icon32">';
$out[] = '<br>';
$out[] = '</div>';
$out[] = '<h2>Contact Information parameters</h2>';
$out[] = '<p>Contact info used on the front page of the site</p>';
echo implode("\n",$out);
/* end of class */
Yours, franticly,