i'm setting up my first wordpress theme for http://nouveau-document.net
For the pleasure of viewers I would like to add a feature to my website.
When an article in the flow has focus (when clicked, or focused with tabulation)I would like the url to change for the link of the post into the page, NOT the permalink. BUT ! I'm using infinite scroll meaning that I won't have the website/page/2/ in the url.
So if I'm on the homepage, I can see articles from /page/6/ but the url will still be nouveau-document.net/
I would like, when I focus an article, or scroll to it to change the url to : http://nouveau-document.net/page/x/#post-id
(with window.history.pushState()
of course i can manage to get the url, and the post-id, I miss the "page in the flow" information from a post.
This way, if the user want's to share what he's seeing, he just ctrl+c/ctrl+v the url to email, facebook, bookmarks. The url will bring him at the desired spot
If anyone has tips ?!