For my client sites i have a little developer plugin i have created, giving clients contact details etc, and cleaning up a few other WordPress things.... with this i'm trying to add a button to the WP Admin bar for clients to raise support requests, and struggling to add the `bloginfo(name)' to the email subject field (highlighted in bold below).... how do i concatenate the string to allow for the site name to be completed dynamically?
$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
'id' => 'support-request', // an unique id (required)
'parent' => 'custom-support-menu', // false for a top level menu
'title' => 'Raise Support Request', // title/menu text to display
'href' => '<strong>Client%20Site</strong>%20Support%20Request',
'meta' => array( 'target'=>'_blank' ), // target for link
) );
Advice and explanation very much appreciated