Hi everyone,
I don't manage to use the wp_user_query output through jQuery.
0: Object
>ID: 3
>allcaps: Object
>cap_key: "*****wp_capabilities"
>caps: Object
>data: Object
>>ID: "3"
>>display_name: "Machin"
>>user_activation_key: ""
>>user_email: "***"
>>user_login: "machin"
>>user_nicename: "machin"
>>user_pass: "****"
>>user_registered: "2013-07-04 12:20:26"
>>user_status: "0"
>>user_url: ""
Why jQuery ?
I'm getting this through an Ajax process (JSON) and i want to get all the 'ID', 'user_login', 'display_name' informations on jQuery.
PS: I spend my day looking for a solution without knowing which keywords would lead me to the right answer. Sorry if I double the entrie.