I followed this to add a content-block to my theme. I want to extend it with the Shortcodes.
I want to be able to write :
[content_zone name="col-1"]
The code should return the content of the content-block directly where the Shortcode is place within the page. My functions.php look as follows :
function content_zone_func( $atts ) {
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'name' => ''
), $atts ) );
return get_content_zone($name);
function get_content_zone( $name ){
$content_block = new WP_Query(array('post_type'=>'content-block', 'posts_per_page'=>1, 'content-position'=>$name));
$content = the_content();
return $content;
add_shortcode( 'content_zone', 'content_zone_func' );
The things return the good content but it is not placed correctly in the page. Let's say I use this content in my page :
Hello, this is the content of the zone :
[content_zone name="col-1"]
There you go.
It would be posted like this on the page :
Hello, this is the content of the zone :
There you go.
It looks like the main loop is overrided by this secondary loop.
If I replace the function by simply returning a string, everything works fine.