I need to add this piece of code to display ajax search bar.
echo do_shortcode('[wpdreams_ajaxsearchpro id=4]');
as you can see, I have added to the site, however I would like to align above the drop down menu or in the page title bar. Not sure where or how to add to align correctly. Any suggestions or answers are greatly appreciated.
The code as is. (up to end of header)
//FrankPoint 2013 © all rights reserved
//Validated HTML5 with semantic structure
$path = get_template_directory_uri();
//Page variables
global $post;
//Get page ancestors
$ancest = get_post_ancestors($post->ID);
//Get page depth
$depth = wt_get_depth($post->ID);
//Page Parent Title
if ( is_page() && $ancest[1] ) {
$parent_title = get_the_title($ancest[1]);
} else {
$parent_title = get_the_title($ancest[0]);
<!--[ 100 ]--><body>
<!--[ 200 ]--><header id="headBAR">
<?php // [fp] > Add MASTHEAD chunk.
get_template_part( '/chunks/masthead', '' );
<!--[ /200 ]--></header>
<!--[ 300 ]--><section class="page">
<header id="pageHEAD" class="clearfix">
<div id="pageLABEL"><?php echo $parent_title; ?>AZCD<?php echo do_shortcode('[wpdreams_ajaxsearchpro id=4]'); ?></div>
<?php // [fp] > Add DROPDOWN chunk.
get_template_part( '/chunks/navdrop', '' );
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