I have migrated from a custom cms by copying the data from custom cms DB to WP DB.
There was no column for post_name n custom cms so I copied post_title to post_name and replaced spaces with hyphen, removed commas etc
There are still some issues like there are intentional characters etc
(for eg halloween-ul-ultimul-bastion-al-sărbătorilor-nerom)
I do see that if I go to admin and edit the post, there is an ajax request to wp-admin/admin-ajax.php and function get_sample_permalink_html is called to get the modified post_name to be used
So, I supply in the input "helloworld,%$123", it changes it to "helloworld123"
I wanted to know is there a way to apply the same logic to my current post_name column(a mysql update query?) as there are more than 40000 rows and doing it manually from admin is not possible
All I want to do is update my current date in wp_posts.post_name so that all names are fine as per WP standards