Hello out there,
I have a few questions to a problem that I am working on. I try to build an archive of posts that will be used as a sort of database for publications my client makes.
My approach:
I set a category "publications" and use a page of posts to display only these posts. To make it more accessible I want to make create a number of filters available so that you can show these selections:
1. Tags
I display all tags that are used in this category so that I can display only publications that are tagged "books" for example.
>> I solved that!
2. Years
I want to display the years in that these publications where put on the market. My ideas are:
I. Use the post date and set it to the appropriate publication date
II. Use a custom field to add a year to the post
My questions are:
– How do I echo all years of posts from a certain category?
– Is it possible to link to all posts containing a certain custom field and display those on an archive page?
3. Authors
I display all authors of theses publications.
>> I solved that by displaying the post authors in a list. By doing so you will have to set up an a WP user for each publication and it makes it hard to have co-authors, so maybe again a custom field would be better or do you have any other idea?
Thanks a lot!
Regards, Arne