Hello, so we are working on a hosting site for restaurants where they will have option between three different themes. We are doing this through a multisite so they will each have their own subdomain and can apply whichever theme out of the three that they would like, and that all works fine.
What we would like, however, is to have a demo site (also a subdomain, testsite.domain.com) where they can see the three different themes 'live', so essentially a dropdown in the header or sidebar to select one of the three themes and when they select a theme the page reloads but now with the selected theme applied to the demo site.
I know that the current theme is in the rows template and stylesheet in the wp_n_options where n is the sub site ID. Is there any other way to change the theme rather than a direct SQL UPDATE? is it even safe to do a direct SQL UPDATE to the live database? I know theme sites such as elegantthemes.com have a live demo that is very similar to what i am describing but of course i cant know anything about their specific implementation. Im really struggling on finding any references online about this type of thing and would really appreciate any hints or sources that will help me out.