I enabled the Links Manager in my wordpress installation.
I use the Links as a way of managing banner ads. By using Link Categories I can display specific banners on the right place of the site.
What I am trying to do is to register a custom taxonomy ("clubs") to the Links post type (BTW: are "Links" a regular post-type just as "posts" or "pages"?)
I am trying to do this so I can extend a taxonomy I use on posts, to also be used on Links, this way I can relate posts to links and display the right ads for my post sidebar, based on the same taxonomy they share.
I tried using the function: register_taxonomy_for_object_type('clubs', 'links') but it does nothing. (I tried using links, link, Links, Link in the post_type parameter as well). 'clubs' is the correct name of a custom taxonomy I have already registered (via plugin).
I am also attaching that register function to the 'plugins_loaded' hook, so to make sure my 'clubs' taxonomy is correctly created by my plugin when I try to extend it to the Links.
I can't seem to find much help about this online, especially because the words "links" and "taxonomy" on my search terms return mainly other kind of topic that is not what I am trying to solve, so I created this topic.
Any help?
guitavares on "Add custom taxonomy to "Links" (aka bookmarks)"