does anyone have an idea how to call variable product form with shortcode?
More details:
I have two variable products on the site and when I visit product page, there is an option to choose product variation - http://bit.ly/YJSvco scroll down to the bototm of the page content.
What I need is to create a page that will show all products (like a post list), but that will include this form as well at the end of each post.
I can create custom page template that will pull products with custom WP Query, but not sure how to add forms that will allow me to order products.
It would be even better if I could add it as shortcode, and to have one page that will include description of both products with forms included.
{product 1 description}
[form_shortcode product="product_id"]
{product 2 description}
[form_shortcode product="product_id"]
Any idea? Thanks