I have two domains hosted on the same server. One is a personal WordPress blog, the other is a travel community vBulletin forum. For reference, the WordPress blog is located here: http://jordanlwheeler.com/blog , and my vBulletin forum user blog is located here: http://forums.lifepackr.com/blog.php/5
I am a user on my vBulletin forum, and have my own blog on that system. I would like to duplicate any of my blog posts I make in my personal vBulletin user blog onto my personal WordPress blog. Or it could go the other way, duplicating any blog post I make in my personal WordPress blog onto the vBulletin user blog.
I have found a few plugins that do something similar, but most of them post to vBulletin forums, not to user blogs.
Any suggestions would be appreciated! Until then I'll be copy/pasting manually.