Hi all,
I have a problem which I am unsure how to resolve....
I am doing a project for a client at the moment where I will be creating a custom post page which will hold a load of services that the customer offers, for each service I will be adding a load of new meta boxes in my custom post (code side) so it will be nice and easy for my client to add in the relevant content.
However there is a part needed where they want a table on the page, this table will need new rows adding but we do not know how many, so I need them to be able to click a "New Row" button and then add in the relevant content.... Each row will have a date set (a from date and a to date, not automatically set) - The next issue is I only want them to be able to delete or modify any of the rows which are in the date range, so for example if they created a row with a date range of nov-2011 - nov-2013 this date would have passed so they should not be able to delete this entry... archiving the past entries if you like.
is this at all possible? can you point me in the right direction? I don't really want to use a plugin I would rather code it if possible.
many thanks in advance, if you need any more details please let me know.