I have a custom post type with a custom taxonomy. The custom taxonomy is only registered with that custom post type.
I have moved the posts index (the home page) to http://example.com/blog/ by setting the "Posts page" in Settings->Reading and prepending "/blog/" to the "Custom Structure" on Settings->Permalinks. This works well for blog posts, categories, and tags. I get http://example.com/blog/%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/ permalinks, which I want, and my custom post type gets http://example.com/custom-type/%postname%/.
However, there is a problem: I want to have custom taxonomy archive at http://example.com/custom-type/taxonomy-name/%taxonomy%/ but I can't figure it out. My Custom Taxonomy gets permalinks and a functional archive page at http://example.com/taxonomy-name/%taxonomy%/. But if I change slug
in the custom taxonomy rewrite
parameters to custom-type/taxonomy-name
, I cannot access the taxonomy at either http://example.com/custom-type/taxonomy-name/%taxonomy%/ or http://example.com/taxonomy-name/%taxonomy%/
And yes, I've flushed my permalinks settings.
Is this the proper way to do this?