I am trying to make a website with WordPress. I want a parallax effect above my header image where I am going to put mountains. I just found a cool parallax effect called superscrollorama and downloaded the zip folder. It has folders like css, gallery, js and SuperScrollorama.jquery.json . Please have a look at the content of the folder here.
The superscrollorama website says I need to first link in jquery CDN and then embed Maxtween.js ans superscrollorama file.
I'm just skeptical how to add these files in wordpress. Do I put these in functions.php and how do I put it using wp_enqueue_script or wp_register_script.
I added this code in functions.php but it is giving me an error in my dreamweaver.
wp_enqueue_script('tween.max', 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.9.8/TweenMax.min.js'__FILE__); ?>
(I placed the superscrollorama zip folder in my wordpress plugins folder)