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georgemathew46 on "Change Profile Picture and Display Name text link to Author Page"

Mitchell Bennis on "WP-Login Tweak to Stop Unauthorized Access and Keep Hackers Out"


Would love some feedback on this tweak that disallows general access to the login.php page. It requires that a PIN be passed to the login page. No PIN, no access, goodbye. Sick of the bad guys pounding on my websites.

// WordPress Tweak - Stop Unauthorized Access - Keep Hackers Out
// Author: email redacted - rev 11.30.15
// 1) Add this snippet to the top of the WordPress wp-login.php file, right after the bootstrap line.
// 2) Create a PIN and update the constant
// 3) Pass the PIN thru the login URL in order to access the page: /wp-login.php?eePIN=xxxx
// ... Otherwise you get redirect away and never see the login form. So long bad guys...

// The page access PIN
define('eePIN', 'xxxxx'); // Set to whatever your heart desires.

// The Redirect URL
define ('eeAWAY', 'http://elementengage.com/welcome-hackers/'); // Same same, but you can leave it like this.

if(@$_POST['log'] OR (@$_GET['action'] == 'logout' AND check_admin_referer('log-out'))) { // Login or Logout
	// Proceed normally

} elseif(@$_GET['loggedout']) {  // Logged out

	header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);

} else {

	// This PIN must be passed in order to access this page
	$thePIN = @$_GET['eePIN'];
	if($thePIN != eePIN) {
		header('Location: ' . $eeAway);

dbialer on "Request for feedback: Offlining sites with service workers"


I am newbie to the WordPress community so please excuse me if this is in the wrong place and would appreciate suggestions for more appropriate places.

I work for Mozilla as a product manager. and my team considering how to integrate service workers into WordPress (more info on service workers: http://www.w3.org/TR/service-workers/). One use case for service workers is to cache resources (in the background) for offline use and intelligently route network fetch requests so that, for instance, a website could work on a device when not connected to a network by fetching pages from its cache. Service workers are meant to fix many of the problems of appcache. Mozilla is working on a code recipe books for using service workers (https://serviceworke.rs/), but is also thinking about real-world applications to apply such as:
1. having WordPress-created websites work offline. A plugin, perhaps, that could cache all or parts of a site, and update automatically.
2. pushing web notifications (for instance, to subscribers when a new article is posted).

My request for feedback as to whether such things sound like they could have usage, if so which one, and would you suggest we approach this as a plugin or some other way?

Thanks for your feedback.

drhost on "Plugin pages issues"


im working on a plugin and i cant find a solution online for two issues im having:
1. Passing arguments between pages - for example i have one page showing tickets from 3rd party API, by clicking a ticket, i want to redirect the user to the specific ticket page, problem is the only way i found to pass the ticket id is using POST or GET ( GET will require ugly url ).

2. permanent plugin pages - when installing the plugin i create my main page lets call it dashboard, and all my other pages with dashboard as the parent.
so my links will be dashboard/tickets but how can i keep it if the client change the page name ? i need to link those pages and i cant find a way to do it dynamically.

Hungrynow on "Need to exclude a password-protected page from Recent Comments"


Hi all. I have created a password-protected page for visitors to discuss issues of a sensitive nature, but their comments are showing in the Recent Comments sidebar, which is compromising privacy and generating unwanted interest from those who don't have access to the page. How can I exclude comments on that page only from appearing in the recent comments widget? Or at least make them visible only to those who already hold the password cookie?

ionurboz on "Custom Post Type and Premalink work style"

Stacy (non coder) on "Is there a capability for edit my own coment"


Where users can see their own comments in the backend.

blexfort on "Name page is a current user's name"


Hi everyone!

I am setting up my woocommerce and there is a page "Profile" to display user's profile. Everything is great, but I would do deeper)) I would like to name the page for displaying user's profile with a special shortcode (or php tag or whatsoever) to replace the name "Profile" with their [user's] name as set up in their profile. In other words, I'd like to show page name as a user's name as in eBay or Amazon. I am assuming it can be done in two different ways: via page's renaming with the particular code, OR with a code in MENU (for a particular page). Thanks for your help!

DjrodjeB on "Embed code to head"


Hello, i have problem with puting meta tags in head.
i'm looking for plugin where i can in my CUSTOM page use some shortocde like:
[code]<meta .... />[/code] and that code embed in head.

I googled a lot and i have nathing. I tried with add_action('init','myfunction'); but don't work for me (i put in funciton.php)

i need this for two things setcookie() and for SEO meta tags.

Any help with this?
i also tried with searched about some wp functions but i didn't have luck.

SaltTree on "You have been locked out due to too many invalid login attempts"


I'll admit, I'm not the strongest with knowledge yet when it comes to wordpress... but how the heck do I fix this? It had been a day or two since I had last logged in to my wp admin... I tried today and got;

You have been locked out due to too many invalid login attempts

I don't really know where to start to fix this? I got the message on my first login attempt. I am the sole user of this account.


krth on "how to make posts appear in summary view"


How to make posts appear in summary view? Where i can find source code of blog?

yami54 on "Make my custom taxonomy not clickable if no content"


I created a custom taxonomy on my website to list our clients and to tag works to the different clients. Now, all the client names appears as a link even if they don't have projects affiliated. So i would like to make them not clickable.
here the code I use to show the list:

   'hide_empty' => false,
  'orderby' => 'name',
  'order' => 'ASC'
                  $client = get_terms( 'client', $term_args );
                  if ( ! empty( $client ) && ! is_wp_error( $client ) ){
                      echo '<div class="clientwrapper grid"><ul class="clienttags">';
                      foreach ( $client as $term ) {
                          $term_link = get_term_link( $term );
                      if ( is_wp_error( $term_link ) ) {
                      echo '<li><a href="' . esc_url( $term_link ) . '">' . $term->name . '</a></li>';

                      echo '</ul> </div>';

I still want them to show, I just don't want them to be a link if there is no project affiliated.
Any ideas?

Ciredor on "Custom Background"

add_theme_support( 'custom-background' );

add_action( 'customize_register', 'custom_background_size' );
function custom_background_size( $wp_customize ) {

    $wp_customize->add_setting( 'default-size', array(
            'default' => 'inherit',
        ) );

    $wp_customize->add_control( 'default-size', array(
            'label'      => 'Background Image Size',
            'section'    => 'background_image',
            'settings'   => 'default-size',
            'priority'   => 200,
            'type' => 'radio',
            'choices' => array(
                'cover' => 'Cover',
                'contain' => 'Contain',
                'inherit' => 'Inherit',
add_action( 'wp_head', 'custom_background_size_css', 999 );
function custom_background_size_css() {

    $background_size = get_theme_mod( 'default-size', 'inherit' );

    echo '<style type="text/css"> body.custom-background { background-size:'.$background_size.'; } </style>';


This is code i'm using that add custom background image to customizer (from codex) and additional size attribute.

Now i want it to hide along other controls when image is not specified but can't find active_callback name for it.

Also i would like to move whole custom background section to panel. Tried :

add_theme_support( 'custom-background', $defaults );

$defaults = array(
	'panel' => 'theme_settings'

but that's not working. Any idea how can i get these 2 things work ?

One more thing. How can i add section icons like in first screenshot here ?

Anderspin on "Fatal error: Call to a member function add_rewrite_tag() on null in ..."



I get a fatal error when I try to register a new taxonomy. I've searched the net and come up with very complicated solutions about registrering globals and so on. Can anybody help me?

add_action('init', 'wd_registrera_taxonomi_ettan');

function wd_registrera_taxonomi_ettan(){
    $ettan_args = array (
    'hierarchial' => false,
    'query_var' => 'ettan',
    'show_tagcloud' => true,
    'rewrite' => false,
    'labels' => array(
        'name' => 'Tavlor på ettan',
        'singular_name' => 'Tavla på ettan',
        'edit_item' => 'Ändra kategori',
        'update_item' => 'Uppdatera kategori',
        'add_new_item' => 'Lägg till tavlor på ettan',
        'all_items' => 'Alla tavlor på ettan',
        'search_item' => 'Sök tavlor på ettan',
        'popular_items' => 'Poppis',
        'separate_items_with_commas' => 'Skilj tavlor på ettan med kommatecken',
        'add_or_rem,ove_items' => 'Lägg till eller ta bort tavlor på ettan',
        'choose_from_most_used' => 'Välj bland de mest populära tavlorna på ettan',

   //Registrera tavlor på Ettan

   register_taxonomy( 'Tavlor på ettan' , array ('tpettan'),$ettan_args );

zain.mr89 on "Change wp-admin url"


Hi all,

I have seen many tutorials on how to change wp-admin to any other link for security reasons.
But none of the given solutions are 100% working.

I was following this link:

What I want to do ?
- I want to change my wp-admin link to secret-link. To be more specific, change this link http://wordpress-site/wp-admin to http://wordpress-site/secret-link

And when anyone try to open http://wordpress-site/wp-admin or http://wordpress-site/wp-login.php he/she must be redirected to 404 Page.

What I've achieved so far ?
- Till now I am able to restrict http://wordpress-site/wp-admin
This link is redirecting to 404 Page.

Please help. Thanx.

Hendrikx on "Get Pending users number"


Hi there.

Is there a simple way to display the pending users number across the site?

in the users.php page there is an pending section.
How can i use that number somewhere else in my theme?

in the count_users() function there is no pending in that array when checking it via var_dump(count_users()).

Thanks in advance.

Looic on "Ajax action hook overloading"


Hello All,

I use a plugin that performs AJAX checks against for form fields validation. I would like to add my own checks to the existing ones.

Is there a way to do "overloading" against the 'wp_ajax_nopriv_' action hook, so that I can add my own checks in addition to those performed by the plugin, and without modifying the original plugin code ?

Thank you for your help,

jsheaf on "wp_ajax returns success but data is null"


I am creating a plugin that has two select menus. When the user selects the first option the second select should populate. This form is placed within a widget.

I am attempting to use wp_ajax_. The code for the form is in a class:

class CourseSearch {

	public function __construct( $plugin ) {

		add_action( 'wp_ajax_subject_search', array( $this, 'return_subjects') );
    	add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_subject_search', array( $this, 'return_subjects') );

	function return_subjects() {

	    $subjects = $this->get_subjects( $_POST['grade'] );

	    echo json_encode( $subjects );


$('#select_grade').on( 'change', function( event ) {

		display_subjects( event );

/**	Functions

	function display_subjects( event ) {

		var grade = event.currentTarget.value;
		var path  = plugin.path + 'classes/class-course-search.php';

		console.log( path, grade );

			url: path,
			type: 'post',
			dataType: 'json',
			data: {
				grade:  grade,
				action: 'subject_search'
			success: populate_subject_list,
			error: clear_subject_list,

	function populate_subject_list( data ) {

		console.log( 'success', this, data );

	function clear_subject_list( data ) {

		console.log( 'fail', data );

I am at a dead end, so any help is appreciated.

GraphixWorks on "How to Use a Function's Argument Data?"


I'm trying to figure something out that seems pretty basic but just doesn't quite make sense to me.

I'm trying to use a WordPress action to make something happen when a user completes an online course:

add_action("learndash_course_completed", function($data) {
//Do Something
}, 5, 1);

However, I'm confused as to how I can reference the information stored within the $data argument/variable when in the function. If I wanted to grab the Course ID, how would I reference that in my code? Here is a print_r of what is stored in $data, if that helps any.

    [user] => WP_User Object
            [data] => stdClass Object
                    [ID] => 30
                    [user_login] => testing
                    [user_pass] => $P$BQqHM2nDR2C3WB87v2gd83R0ZCtRug.
                    [user_nicename] => testing
                    [user_email] => testing@testsite.com
                    [user_url] =>
                    [user_registered] => 2015-11-23 15:59:37
                    [user_activation_key] =>
                    [user_status] => 0
                    [display_name] => James Test

            [ID] => 30
            [caps] => Array
                    [s2member_level4] => 1
                    [access_s2member_ccap_member] => 1

            [cap_key] => wp_lxkfgb_capabilities
            [roles] => Array
                    [0] => s2member_level4

            [allcaps] => Array
                    [read] => 1
                    [level_0] => 1
                    [access_s2member_level0] => 1
                    [access_s2member_level1] => 1
                    [access_s2member_level2] => 1
                    [access_s2member_level3] => 1
                    [access_s2member_level4] => 1
                    [s2member_level4] => 1
                    [access_s2member_ccap_member] => 1

            [filter] =>

    [course] => WP_Post Object
            [ID] => 280
            [post_author] => 1
            [post_date] => 2015-12-05 11:21:55
            [post_date_gmt] => 2015-12-05 16:21:55
            [post_content] => This is another course!
            [post_title] => Another Course
            [post_excerpt] =>
            [post_status] => publish
            [comment_status] => closed
            [ping_status] => closed
            [post_password] =>
            [post_name] => another-course
            [to_ping] =>
            [pinged] =>
            [post_modified] => 2015-12-06 12:27:39
            [post_modified_gmt] => 2015-12-06 17:27:39
            [post_content_filtered] =>
            [post_parent] => 0
            [guid] => http://testsite.com/vra/?post_type=sfwd-courses&p=280
            [menu_order] => 0
            [post_type] => sfwd-courses
            [post_mime_type] =>
            [comment_count] => 0
            [filter] => raw

    [progress] => Array
            [280] => Array
                    [lessons] => Array
                            [316] => 1

                    [topics] => Array
                            [316] => Array
                                    [327] => 1


                    [completed] => 1
                    [total] => 1



Any insight you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

the660 on "Damn register spammers. OVER."


Hello everybody!
I'm working on wordpress making really custom systems for clients and i have god damn annoying problem. You see, register spammers isnt nothing new. I have custom website with many custom posts, custom register page and ajax login drop down menu. Well what i did to prevent brute force logins and registerations?
reCAPTCHA everywhere!
wp-login both login and register
custom register page

The question is how the hell i got another werid user registered? Whats others options to register to page? Any ajax things or something?

I'm making many custom sites and plugins wont satisfy me. I want to know any possible way how my site can be attacked by register spammers.

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