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atxelin on "WooCommerce multiple select a variation?"

Bojan Denic on "Specific custom field in profile user"



It’s possible add specific custom field in profile for every my users? I have unique ID tracking code for every users buy with gravity forms and I need add manually code for each ID profile to set tracking code.

And after I need shortcode for page, only for this custom field.


singblue on "The website has gone back to what it was 3 weeks ago."



I was logged in last night and this morning i have been asked to login again to WordPress, so i did. It looked like 2 updates available for plugins so i have updated all. I went back to see my website and realised that all content i've posted and amendment i have made on menus and tags for last 3 weeks have disappeared.

I have deleted the latest post and made 3 new postings. The deleted posting is now resurrected. I have deleted all pages and made one brand new page, but again the 2 pages are there instead of the new one i have written. All images i have uploaded are in the server. I don't know if there is any way that i could recover those postings and the page, and the amendment i made on menus and tags.

Any advice would be very grateful.


MuscularItalian on "Mailchimp, PayPal / Stripe Integration for Newsletter"


I have been looking everywhere and cant seem to find what I am looking for. All I can find is the tutorial on how to add the IPN to paypal for mailchimp.

I have a mailing list I would like to charge subscribers for monthly. I would like to give them the option of being able to use a credit card and paypal. All i need is for them to pay monthly and when they sign up to the subscription I capture their email addresses in my list so I can send out the paid newsletter each month

How can I accomplish this?


Ericduk on "Action problems"


Hi folks. Not very familiar with php so could do with a few straight to the point answer for a probably dumb question

I am trying to follow actions. Where can I find what the referenced action actually contains / does. For example

do_action( 'storefront_homepage_after_recent_products' );

I understand the syntax but cannot find any reference to 'storefront_homepage_after_recent_products' as a file or other.
I know I should sit and watch / read the php programming courses / books I have but need to sort this issue real quick.
Any help for a stressed out part time programmer much appreciated.

Jith3003 on "How to restrict access to .htaccess file i.e. web-config"


How to restrict access to .htaccess file i.e. web-config in case of WordPress hosted on windows server.

Please provide step by step process to do it.

Kaxien on "Change in /wp-login.php"


Hi - can you help with this?

On the http://www.x.xx/wp-login.php site the classic login site apears


Now I am about to make a page for students, and they must be able to log in with their student number. Can we somehow make 'Username' to 'Student Number' instead? I have searched alot, but the only thing I reach are plugins and methods to change the image on the login page.

Do you have a method?

essha on "Attachment resize: minimum dimensions"


I wonder if there is a native way to satisfy minimum dimensions during thumbnail resize?

The following image_size is added:

'custom_dimension' => array(

When uploading an image by origin size 2000/1000 (width/height) both given dimensions should be satisfied. Width must be 200px and height 400px at least.
So new thumbnail should be scaled down to new size of 400/800px.
On the other hand an original image of 1000/2000 should result in 200/400px.

Is there a native way to satisfy both - width AND height?
Which hook could be predestinate to implement desired intention?

Thank you!

Pits on "the_post calls my function twice instead of once"


Hi there

I'm saving input from a form out of a page, using "the_post" hook. The function is triggered by a variable in $_POST which is a filled checkbox in the form.

`function my_function(){
global $wpdb;
if ($_POST[checkbox_SOMECHECKBOX]){
do some things;
add_action('the_post', 'my_function');

While everything works, the function is called twice, rendering two times the action. I don't get it why. Would love to use that hook, as it allowes me to echo into the beginning of the page/post I'm loading as a response to the submitting of the form.
TIA for help

zagreus on "Parsing meta data field"


I'm trying to get a meta data field for an image. The variable is returning a string like this:


Is there a function I can use to access the URL from this structure?


zagreus on "the_content() not showing content in plugin"


I'm building a plugin which has some custom templates for my custom post types. In my single- file, the code below shows the header, title and footer but for some reason doesn't show the content.

wp_enqueue_style('mjt_css', MJT_CLASS_CSS_URI.'/mjt.css');

Here is the code creating the post type ...

$args = array(
            'labels'            => $labels,
            'public'            => true,
            'public_queryable'  => true,
            'exclude_from_search'   => false,
            'show_in_nav_menus'     => true,
            'show_ui'               => true,
            'show_in_menu'          => true,
            'show_in_admin_bar'     => true,
            'menu_position'         => 10,
            'menu_icon'             => 'dashicons-universal-access',
            'can_export'            => true,
            'delete_with_user'      => false,
            'hierarchical'          => false,
            'has_archive'           => true,
            'query_var'             => true,
            'capability_type'       => post,
            'map_meta_cap'          => true,
            'rewrite'               => array (
                'slug'          => 'trainer',
                'with_front'    => true,
                'pages'         => true,
                'feeds'         => true
            'supports'              => array (


    register_post_type('mjt_trainer', $args);

Any tricks here that I'm missing?

Cheers ...


rebeccahbl on "How to store API login information"


I am writing a plugin (for my use only, not to be published) that uses a SOAP API to pull in data. This service uses a plain text username and password. I am wondering what the best (i.e. most secure) way to store these login details is. During development I have just had them saved as variables in my plugin function file, but this doesn't seem secure in the long term.

I searched around and couldn't find an answer to this. Any ideas?


owenprescott on "Seamless Looping Background Audio?"


Hi everyone,
I would like to create a new Wordpress site that plays short ambient audio clips in a seamless loop. The audio must not pause (even slightly) and I'm wondering if anyone can point me to a plugin, theme or solution that will do the job.

This is a specific use case and I'm not planning on playing annoying music tracks. A good example would be this website however I don't need fullscreen or video capabilities.

FreddyAZ on "Fixed value (readonly) in a custom field in the comment area"


Hi there,
I was wondering if it is possible to add with javascript an unchangeable value ("comments") to a custom field in the WordPress comment area.
In this moment I have this situation:

I would like the field N.3 to be readonly and have a default value attribute that can not be modified.

The id of the third field is #textar.

Any idea? Thank you in advance.

Tysonius on "displaying a list of subcategories on a parent category page"



So I am hoping I can receive some help. I am not quite sure how to attack this problem but What I would like to do is is have a parent category page display links to the subcategories that have a post under them.

Hopefully I can explain this properly but I want to be able to click on a parent category Roof projects and when you get to the Roof projects page it displays the sub categories under it like San Diego and Los Angeles etc. then when you click on the sub category it will display the the projects specific to that sub category and parent category. when you click the project it will display info about them. I hope that is clear.

What is happening currently on my site is that the parent category is displaying all the projects I have in the sub categories and when you click them it goes directly to the projects info. Here is an example http://www.palomarsolar.com/ourwork/category/roof/

I would prefer that page only display one link per sub category...like one link to chula vista and one link to bonsall then the sub category will display all the project under that.

I hope it wasn't too confusing considering I am up pretty late trying to get this done.

hans.hendriksma on "two dropdown boxes same value from drifferent CSV,s"


Hi All
I am trying to create a form with two dropdown fields
these fields are both filled trough a csv file
the csv file is constructed in the following manor:

for the first calculation i need value1 for the second i need value2

both dropdown fields are populated trough the same csv file because i can only choose 1 column for the value after the choice.

This means i need 2 dropdown fields which have to be set manually

is ther a way to use Value1 in one calcutation and value2 in the other
after choosing only 1 dropdown field?

Thanks in advange


Beuwolf on "How can one make different sized popup windows for external links ?"


Hi all, first time poster here so hoping I am posting in the right section.

I'm working on a personal website that is for a game I am playing. Have been trying to sort out how to make popup windows to display content from the game itself (since I find opening the links in a new tab isn't really the most convenient way of doing it). Well, I know HOW to do it as in using the DATA-height= and DATA-width= attributes within the HTML part when making a post/page, but it gets rather tiresome when wanting to do it on thousands of items.

Here is the link to a page on the site where I done a couple different popups;

The popup is linked from the images, the 1st image in the 1st row is with just using the word popup in the Image Details function, down at the bottom; Link CSS Class. It is way to big for my liking though, this is when using FireFox. I have seen that using Explorer then it opens in a very tiny window though, don't have Chrome so not tested it there. The 2nd image right next to it is they way I would like to make some of them, which is done in the TEXT edit function when you making the post/page.

The 1st image on the 2nd row is just showing another size of the popup windows I would like to make, just thought I add it as well.

I have been trying to search for a plugin that would make this easy, the only one I could find that possible could be modified to make this is Advanced Image Styles. I thought of asking the author directly but he have already said to another user that he don't personal like popups so wont be adding that feature. :-(

Now, I am wondering if anyone here knows of a plugin that easily could help me doing different sized popup windows for external links or maybe know how to modify Advanced Image Styles plugin, since they way it is done to edit it directly within the Image Details function would be just awesome if one could do the same for the height and width attributes, maybe even the scroll attribute as well ?

Just to add I have no understanding of how CSS, PHP or any other similar codes works, only a very basic knowledge of HTML, incase you suggesting using that to make this work. :-(

Sorry for a long post but hopefully it is understandable as to what I am hoping to achieve.

Thank you for taking the time to read my query and for any and all suggestions.


tetozito on "Login startet installer"


Hello everybody,
i've load a second wordpress instance to my root and have now a problem with the dashboard by the first instance. At first it didn't started the dashboad at all (Error database connection). Then i've changed the DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD and DB_HOST to the original values back in the wp-config. Now when i try to start the login startet the wordpress installer instead.
What can i do to get my dashboard running again?
Many thanks in advance

Tidan on "Attach variable to order email"


I have a seperate landing page which passes a referers ID variable to the checkout process and stores it in the session. I want to attach that information to the order and have it appear on order email. I've tried several hacks but none seem to display it on the order email nor the order itself as you'd see it in the WP admin panel.

grincho on "Include editablegrid into WordPress drama"


Hi there,

I try to run the editablegrid with sql on a Wp site. Out of the box, it works like charm but in WordPress i got the following error:
SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' in the editablegrid-2.1.0-b25.js

functions.php of the child theme

require_once( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/includes/adminUtils.php' );

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles' );
function theme_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );

    wp_register_script( "editablegrid", get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/lib/editablegridSql/js/editablegrid-2.1.0-b25.js', array('jquery'), false, false );
    wp_register_script( "demo", get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/lib/editablegridSql/js/demo.js', array('jquery', 'editablegrid'), false, false );
    wp_enqueue_script( 'demo' );
    wp_localize_script( 'demo', 'myAjax', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' )));


<div id="wrap">
    <h1>EditableGrid Demo - Database Link</h1>

    <!-- Feedback message zone -->
    <div id="message"></div>

    <div id="toolbar">
        <input type="text" id="filter" name="filter" placeholder="Filter :type any text here"  />
        <a id="showaddformbutton" class="button green"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add new row</a>
    <!-- Grid contents -->
    <div id="tablecontent"></div>

    <!-- Paginator control -->
    <div id="paginator"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">var datagrid = new DatabaseGrid();(function($) {window.onload = function() { $("#filter").keyup(function() {datagrid.editableGrid.filter( $(this).val());});$("#showaddformbutton").click( function() {showAddForm();});$("#cancelbutton").click( function() {showAddForm();});$("#addbutton").click(function() {datagrid.addRow();});};})(jQuery);
<div id="addform">
    <div class="row">
        <input type="text" id="name" name="name" placeholder="name" />
    <div class="row">
        <input type="text" id="firstname" name="firstname" placeholder="firstname" />
    <div class="row tright">
        <a id="addbutton" class="button green" ><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Apply</a>
        <a id="cancelbutton" class="button delete">Cancel</a>

If I don't write the script code in one line, the error appears there. Ehm, is it normal that every line is wrapped in a <p> when wordpress generates the site?

So hopefully someone can give me a hand or hint what I am doing wrong. Thanks.


Edit: the only active plugin: insert_php

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