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mikep6321 on "hacked email with wordpress@my website"


I have someone sending porn through my email for my wordpress site. They are using wordpress@ (my website).co. I have changed my email login password but they still send out messages. How do they create an email and how do I stop this invasion.

My website is geeksite.co

this is the fake email they are using:

This does not show up in my email accounts yet I get failed notices.

Reporting-MTA: dns; web-joomla.alpha-groep.nl
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 2D28488797
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; wordpress@geeksite.co
Arrival-Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2015 10:22:07 +0200 (CEST)

Final-Recipient: rfc822; qjp.32@sfr.fr
Action: failed
Status: 5.7.1
Remote-MTA: dns; smtp-in.sfr.fr
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.7.1 Message content rejected

Re:Sitting topless on her couch.eml
Re:Sitting topless on her couch
Eva Jackson <wordpress@geeksite.co>
07/10/2015 02:22 AM
"qjp.32@sfr.fr" <qjp.32@sfr.fr>

Stunning nymph in white panties stretching
Sitting topless on her couch leah smiles with her mouth full of braces and touches herself.

Best regards, Eva Jackson

tonyrms on "Reordering Billing Fields in Checkout (Webhook?)"

Jake Love on "Possible? Using Custom Post Type --> Display a specifc index.html, not template"


Hi there!

I have been trying to figure out if what I am trying to do is even possible. Any and all help is much appreciated! Description below:

Basically -- I want to have a custom post type that gives me something like "website.com/case-study/test-case-study" for a URL -- but I don't want to pull open a template, I want to serve an index.html file that is located within "website.com/wp-content/uploads/case-study/test-case-study"

I am already building the ability for the plugin I am writing to create that folder (/uploads/case-study/), then generate those sub-folders (e.g. /uploads/case-study/test-case-study/) and place the files I need within them.

The problem -- I cannot seem to figure out a re-write pattern or method that allows website.com/case-study/test-case-study to just serve the index.html file.. instead the only thing that comes even close to what I want is just redirecting to website.com/wp-content/uploads/case-study/test-case-study/index.html.

This doesn't work because the URLs then turn nasty and we're displaying content right from the uploads folder..

Again the goal here is to navigate to "website.com/case-study/test-case-study" and view the index.html that is located at "website.com/wp-content/uploads/case-study/test-case-study/index.html" without the url changing.

I know this is an interesting problem to be solving -- so I very much appreciate the assistance.


agenciaklox on "How to submit a form for my own mysql table with wpdb"


Hi, how are you?

Well, i'm developing my first plugin, and i needed to create a mysql table, there i'll save the name of the city, province and address of a withdrawal point.

So i create a form to add this withdrawal points, but i don't know how to submit this information to my table on mysql.

I've tried to work with a hidden field and then check for the $_POST, but it just don't work, and another problem is that i don't know how to construct this query, to use with wpdb.

I've thought that will be necessary to put a page on form's action, but i don't know if i can create a page or something like that.

How should i proceed to save this data on my mysql table?

<form action="" method="post" action="options.php">

			settings_fields( 'wcpc_pluginPage' );
			do_settings_sections( 'wcpc_pluginPage' );


Thank you very much

elizabethmadethis on "Integrate blog subscription within comments"


Currently I'm running Jetpack subscriptions, and I like the simplicity of it, but I'd love to be able to merge it into my comments in my posts. Is there any way that I can do this?

theophile76 on "Insert php code on "sharebar" plugin"


Hello, I use the "sharebar" plugin.
It display sharebar with social network share button.
I would like to add custom php code on this sharebar but it doesn not work using the "plugin settings" in wp-admin.

I think I have to add the code directly on sharebar.php but I don't know where...

Here the sharebar.php code : [removed]


Hello, I added php code creating a new button, but it does not work (usingthe plugin sett)
Where should I add this code to make it work ?
Maybe on sharebar.php but where exactly ?

saNNNy on "Export static HTML with offline search functionality"


Hey guys,

I want to export my WordPress website to static HTML. I found the tool HTTrack and it works fine.

The problem is, that of course, the search functionality isn't working anymore, cause of php. Does anybody know a solution? Maybe a plugin or something like that/ JavaScript/ etc.?

I would appreciate an answer.
Thank you and have a nice weekend.

Kushal Jayswal on "User Profile Meta SAVING ERROR"


I am getting below error when try to save modified data for author/user on my blog.

Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, invalid function name in /wp-includes/plugin.php on line 496

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /wp-includes/plugin.php:496) in /wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1196

I read multiple posts in WP forum which have been closed. But it couldn't help me to fix this.



saosangmo on "Insert my custom attribute for the link to full image in the post?"


In admin area, I set link to full image. In front end, I want to insert rel="thumbnail" to that tag.
In this post


I want to the code

<a href="http://inlayngay.vn/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/in-tờ-rơi-giá-rẻ1-1.jpg"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-131 size-full" src="http://inlayngay.vn/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/in-tờ-rơi-giá-rẻ1-1.jpg" alt="in tờ rơi giá rẻ" width="529" height="357"></a>

become with rel="thumbnail"
<a rel="thumbnail" href="http://inlayngay.vn/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/in-tờ-rơi-giá-rẻ1-1.jpg"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-131 size-full" src="http://inlayngay.vn/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/in-tờ-rơi-giá-rẻ1-1.jpg" alt="in tờ rơi giá rẻ" width="529" height="357"></a>


Joseph Sheerin on "Website hacked"


I created a website 2 years ago and updated the plugins regularly. I just got an email from my Hosting Company informing me that they had to suspend my hosting account with them as some of the code on your site has been modified and was attacking the host server with repeat wordpress login attempts.
I have not tried to access wordpress and have made no adjustments to the codes.

During a search I found that another website designer company has created a website for the same business. They have used one on my photographs without permission.

Is it possible that they accessed my site and caused this repeat wordpress login attempts.

What should my Host provider do to stop this attack?

mariettatx on "Unknown users added"


How do I know if my site is part of a network? I fired my developer and deleted his "user" account, but now have 5 more users I don't know! I had changed my password.

He put his own WP install on the site and controls my adwords account. My sales went to 0 after I confronted him on his receiving BCC of my contact form.

I'm freaking out, don't know WP and want it gone.


chrisvwlc on "Conditionally insert content in wp_nav_menu using custom walker"


I am trying to dynamically add a nested ul to a list item in a wp nav menu when the walker encounters its own item $id that matches an id passed to the walker.

I created a custom walker which is required by my functions.php file. I am calling the walker inside of a sidebar script in its own sidebar.php file. My sidebar.php has this code:

if(is_singular('event')) {
				 $event=	em_get_event($id,'post_id');
				 echo 'single' .$event->post_id;

			global $post;
			if($post->ID == $event->post_id) echo 'a match!';

			if(in_array($post->ID, $em_past_exhibit_post_ids)) {
				$nav_id = 117;
			} else if(in_array($post->ID, $em_current_exhibit_post_ids)) {
				$nav_id = 115;
			} else if(in_array($post->ID, $em_future_exhibit_post_ids)) {
				$nav_id = 224;
			} else if(in_array($post->ID, $em_past_concert_post_ids)) {
				$nav_id = 562;
			} else if(in_array($post->ID, $em_current_concert_post_ids)) {
				$nav_id = 558;
			} else if(in_array($post->ID, $em_future_concert_post_ids)) {
				$nav_id = 560;
			} else {
				$nav_id = 61;

			$ptitle = get_the_title( $nav_id );
			$plink = get_the_permalink( $nav_id );

			echo 'nav id is: ' . $nav_id;

			$defaults = array(
							'theme_location'  => 'my-header-menu',
							'menu'            => '',
							'container'       => '',
							'container_class' => '',
							'container_id'    => '',
							'menu_class'	=> '',
							'menu_id'         => 'my-events',
							'echo'            => true,
							'fallback_cb'     => 'wp_page_menu',
							'before'          => '',
							'after'           => '',
							'link_before'     => '',
							'link_after'      => '',
							'items_wrap'      => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>',
							'depth'           => 3,
							'walker'          => new my_event_walker,
							'walker_nav_id' => '61',
							'walker_el_name' => 'test'

						function modify_nav_menu_args( $args )
	if( 'my-header-menu' == $args['theme_location'] )
		global $post;
		$id = $post->ID;
		$args['link_after'] = 'id is:' . $id;

	return $args;

add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_args', 'modify_nav_menu_args' );

						wp_nav_menu( $defaults );

In my actual walker, in the start_el function, where output is structured, I thought I could add (at approx. line 141 of just the Walker Nav Menu class ) `$item_output = $args->before;
$item_output .= '<a'. $attributes .'>';
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post-template.php */
$item_output .= $args->link_before . apply_filters( 'the_title', $item->title, $item->ID ).$args->link_after;

if($item->ID = $args->walker_nav_id) {
$item_output .= '<ul><li>' . $args->walker_el_name. '</li></ul>';
$item_output .= '</a>';

$item_output .= $args->after;
the site is only local right now. But I'm wondering how I would a. pass the $nav_id to the walker class and b. how and where I would access the item ids that walker is 'walking' to create the menu so that I can compare the two. Do I need to pass that as an argument to link_after or shouldn't I be able to modify the walker directly? Thank you for your thoughts.

wordcracker on "How can I apply stripslashes to the comment content before it's saved to DB?"



I added CKeditor to my WP comment form but it has some problems.
I was told that I need to run the following function on the content posted from CKeditor before inserting into the database:


I think I need to apply stripslashes() using a filter related to the input value of the comment entered by a user before it's inserted into the database.
I tried many ways (within my ability) but in vain.

How can I apply stripslashes() to the comment content before the content is inserted into database?

Thanks for your help.

Shrinivas on "How to Add Tab Interface for WordPress Plugin Settings Page?"

yvonnembertoldo on "Site hacked and 500 internal server error on dashboard"


I found out that I was hacked this morning so I tried opening my cPanel and yes, my password and email was different. So I entered a new pass and email and tried opening my site but I am unable to open my wp-admin. It's just 500 internal server error. Help pls :(

recsell on "[Need Help] Someone inject script, they create file gz causes web error"



Please help me, all my web under my vps going down, someone has been inject malware script, this script infected and make some files gz under wp-admin and wp-includes, they create wp-setting.gz and wp-login.gz, automatically my web can't running normally. I has been reinstall WP, but still infected. Anyone can help me...thanks

theplastickid on "Assigning an image to dated archives"


On my website I have a bunch of articles published on different dates, just like a standard blog.

In the sidebar I am using the standard "archives" widget to list all of the months, users can then click on the month and see posts only from that month.

What I would like to achieve is to be able to display all of the links to the months on a single page rather than in the sidebar, but more importantly with an image associated to them.

I am not talking about creating a custom archive and assigning an image to that, I want to assign an image to the default date/month that WordPress already generates and sorts by.

Does anyone know of a solution to this? Perhaps you could point me towards some resources to implement.

Many Thanks,

agenciaklox on "Writing JavaScript for my plugin"


Hi, whats up?

I'm writing my first plugin, and i've already enqueue my js file, but i'm not able to listen to the change events on my form.

I have this selectbox:

		__( 'Select the state', 'woocommerce-withdrawal-point-for-brazil' ),

<select name='wcwp_settings_wcwp_select_state' id="wcwp_select_wcwp_select_state">
		<option value='1'>Acre</option>
		<option value='2'>Alagoas</option>
		<option value='3'>Amapá</option>
		<option value='4'>Amazonas</option>

And this is my js script:

var selectBox = document.getElementById("wcwp_select_wcwp_select_state");
selectBox.addEventListener("change", function(){

But its not listening to my change event, do you know why??

Thanks a lot :D

reypm on "How to setup new thumbnail size and regenerate thumbnails"


I am trying to setup a new thumbnail size that should be used later by a plugin and I've added this trough a simple plugin as it's explain here. This is the code I have added to it:

add_action('init', 'add_extra_image_size');
function add_extra_image_size()
    add_image_size('add-meta-tags-size', 100, 120, true); // (cropped)

After get the plugin enabled and regenerate thumbnails by using "Regenerate thumbnails" plugin I can't see new thumbnails generated, why? What I am missing here?

obertscloud on "enable click over jquery"


I have a theme from ava, i contacted support but not a reply that helps;

basically the top section of it, has disabled clicks,
but i want some content with clicks, i can't figure out where it is disabled clicks to fix it http://avathemes.com/HTML5/Dreamer/ is the demo

i search css for active and other normal css disable things, can someone help me ? thanks

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