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s3mw on "Display child categories under their parent category in sidebar"


I've Googled this, and I've read through the forums. I just can't seem to find a simple answer. A lot of what i find is pretty out-dated.

Is there a simple way to display child categories under their parent categories in the sidebar?

I'm currently using wp_list_categories to display my category list. I was looking at get_terms thinking it might point me in the right direction. So far no luck.


akvbroek on "Get a List of all Users in Network"


Maybe my brain is being stupid this morning, but I cannot for the life of me find an answer to this seemingly simple problem.

How do I get a list of all users in the multi-site network?

get_users() and WP_User_Query() must specify a site or defaults to current site. Am I missing something simple?


hmobron on "paginate_links problem"


Hello there,

I made my own search form that's working well, but a can't the paginate_links working. Every page contains the same results as page 1.
How can help me in the right direction?

$mypostids = $wpdb->get_col("select ID from $wpdb->posts where post_title LIKE '".$_REQUEST["start_letter"]."%' AND post_type='product' ");
  //  print_r($mypostids);

    $argssearch = array('post__in'=> $mypostids,
                        'product_tag'=>urldecode( $_REQUEST["product_tag"]),
                        'product_cat'=>urldecode( $_REQUEST["product_cat"]),
                        'paged=' => $paged);

    $querysearch = new WP_Query($argssearch);
    echo "<br/>-".$querysearch->post_count."-".$paged."<br/>" ;
$big = 999999999; // need an unlikely integer

echo paginate_links( array(
	'base' => str_replace( $big, '%#%', esc_url( get_pagenum_link( $big ) ) ),
	'format' => '?paged=%#%',
  	'current' => max( 1, get_query_var('paged') ),
	'total' => $querysearch->max_num_pages,
    'add_args' => array('start_letter'=>$_REQUEST["start_letter"],
                        'product_tag'=>urlencode ($_REQUEST["product_tag"]),
                        'product_cat'=>urlencode ($_REQUEST["product_cat"]),
                        'ZOEK' => 'Zoek'
) ));

crodexter on "Subdomains as pages"


Is there a way to get only a single page as subdomain?

I would like to have page;

I know for Multisite option but I need only those static pages.

Thank you in forward.

salza-at-night on "Suddenly occured code on website page..Hacked??"


looks like this:

r=eval;function vqvq(){zva=function(){--(d.body)}()};a=("47,155,174,165,152,173,160,166,165,47,161,152,157

any help?

mikelamid on "Is my website hacked?"


I've receiving this: "/js/jquery-latest.js">" at the top left hand corner of my website. The first time it happened I copied the html codes from the exact same template over to my copy and everything went back to normal. However after a week, I get the same code again.

Also are Wordpress websites easy to hack?

Thanks in advance!

Landru Paard on "Wrap submenu style issues css: custom megamenu"



I'm trying to alter wp_nav_menu using the walker class.
My objective is to create a custom megaheader.

Ik have the submenu's working as normal dropdowns, though I have not yet
succeeded wrapping the submenu in a div. That is to say, after implementing the
proper code in the functions.php and header.php I see (using firebug) that
.sub-menu is now wrapped in .sub-menu-wrap, a class which is
defined in the code added to function.php.


I believe I'm lacking basic knowledge and it might be simple.
The complete nested list is build using an id called #headertop and in
firebug the position of .sub-menu-wrap is within #headertop ul li.
So how would the selector be written? #headertop ul li .sub-menu-wrap???
and the nested list within the wrap? #headertop ul li .sub-menu-wrap ul etc.?

I don't yet fully grasp how the wp_nav_menu function is related to the nested list
in html when it comes to styling in css. in addition to my question above: why do i see multiple WP-templates use an ul in an ul like headertop ul ul???
Should this not be headertop ul li ul, just as the html is nested as seen in firebug?

It's clear I'm missing something fundamental to output the megamenu I'm working on. Thanks in advance for helping!

I would prefer to dialogue without posting an url, I hope I'm right in reading this as
a general topic.

learn-wp on "how to handle wordpress independent plugin upgrades notification system"


I an currently developing a plugin. for those plugin which are hosted on wordpress upgrades notification are managed by wordpress. I am looking to manage same notification system for my pro plugin which will not be hosted on the wordpress

thanks in advance

chesherc on "Linking a Featured Image to an external URL"



I am working with the Tripod Theme and wish to link the featured images seen on the home page to a URL and not to a gallery. Is there something that I can do in the code to allow this?



arehiba on "How do I set the character encoding?"


Hi, in which the file is set to the character on the page? On my website Hack Tool not exactly encodes the ampersand in temcie post. Instead & arises &#8...

lwoods on "Where to place my wp_enqueue_script"


Seems like all the examples that I can find in codex show the wp_register_script and the wp_enqueue_script in the same function. If I only want to use a particular script in a single page it seems to me that I need to place that wp_enqueue_script in that page header. Otherwise the script will be loaded all the time. Right?
So, wouldn't I register the script in my function.php and then enqueue it in my page header?

Very confusing.....!


Tonje1 on "New spambots"


We thought that Akismet will protect us against Spambots, but the last 2 months we started to get regular email on Spambots. (its a list we get with username and email)

The regular email overview/list is wordpress@ iexcelbooks.no (our site)

Anyone knows how to protect us against this?


deccks on "Set WordPress cookies in .net"


Hi All.

I am doing a single sign on solution and one of the websites is WordPress. Does anyone have an example or know where I can find one where someone was able to drop the necessary WordPress cookies to have WordPress log the user in?

I am able to do this one day but the next day it doesn't work because WordPress has some sort of formula when building the cookie values.

Any help will be very appreciated.


VegasKev88 on "Retrieve Existing Taxonomy Values For Form As Checkbox"


Hello all. Thanks for taking a look at my question.

What I have...

A front end submission form that allows members to submit posts for a custom post type: 'game-previews'. I have several custom_meta and custom taxonomies on the form. All is fine, except one instance.

Where I'm stuck...

I have one custom taxonomy where I don't want members to just randomly type new terms (or guess existing ones..lol). The submitter will also need to be able to select multiple taxonomies if they choose. This taxonomy is called 'game_platforms'. I know how to display the existing taxonomy values in a drop-down by using...

<div class="platform-type-input">
  <h3>What Type of Platform Is It?</h3>
  <?php $platformtypes = get_terms('game_platforms', 'hide_empty=0');  ?>
  <select name='game_platforms' id='game_platforms' style="width: 95%" class="required">
<!-- Display taxonomies as options -->
<?php $names = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, 'game_platforms'); ?><option class='game_platforms' value=''
<?php if (!count($names)) echo "selected";?>>Please Choose A Platform Type</option>											        <?php foreach ($platformtypes as $game_platforms) {
if (!is_wp_error($names) && !empty($names) && !strcmp($game_platforms->slug, $names[0]->slug))
echo "<option class='game_platforms' value='" . $game_platforms->slug . "' selected>" . $game_platforms->name . "</option>\n";
echo "<option class='game_platforms' value='" . $game_platforms->slug . "'>" . $game_platforms->name . "</option>\n";
} ?>

This I've used in another instance for another situation on the project, but in this case, I can't seem to figure out how to fetch & display the existing taxonomy values in a checkbox format for the form.

Any thoughts, guidance, tips, snippets would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

tunescool on "Move Button In Posting Page And Add Return Function"


i use this to add a button in my posting page

// add more buttons to the html editor
function wptit_add_quicktags() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    QTags.addButton( 'wptit_pre', 'Gallery', '<a href="http://url.com" target="_blank">See The Full Gallery Here</a>', '', 'g', 'See The Full Gallery tag', 1 );
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'wptit_add_quicktags' );

someone helped me on another forum but didnt do everything i wanted

i want the button the last button, all the way on the rite, its the first button now

i want the button when hit to add the return key, as if the return has been hit and then this html

See The Full Gallery Here

if i have the cursor after the g's, highlite the rest, and hit the button


this is what the button does

See The Full Gallery Here

return and it goes to a new line and the html is added

Novee on "Delete Trojan from Web spac"


This is the third time my wordpress site is being hacked.This time i am all messed up,The hackers have replaced my wp-content folder by a single php file wtf.php ,i have tried to delete this file ,but no luck ,when i have contacted the customer care they gave this as the reply

{HEX}php.cmdshell.unclassed.344.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
/home/enteamma/public_html/wp-content/7c32.php: PHP.Trojan.WebShell-9 FOUND

Please note all the files that you see the above are infected. So delete all
those files and get back to us and once you get back to us we would again
scan your hosting and review if any files are still infected.

Does any one know a solution for this ?
Does this mean that my doamain is compromised?

Thank you

Virtual_BS on "Modifying Core Files?"


I would like to make a few small changes to the way some parts of WordPress work on my site.
This ultimately means adding 1 or 2 lines of code to certain files in the wp-includes folder.

The problem that I have is that they'll most likely be overwritten when I update WordPress.
So, I'd like to know if there's a way of making child templates for core files like there is for themes?
Or if my only option is to backup my custom files before updating and restore them afterwards?

MCBurner on "Add facebook like button to image description by default?"


Hi WordPress fans and users.

I'm still in the process of searching this forums for the right answer. There are a lot of hints and tips but none of them was successfull yet.

My idea or problem is this: I'm using WordPress 3.6 with the very nice and cool looking "Simple Lightbox" plugin. It works great but I miss the following feature: I would like to see a "Facebook Like" button by default below every image that is shown via the Lightbox. Maybe after the image title or the description. And - if possible - the generated link should point back to the image or the "lightboxed" image and not to the page or post.

Are there any tricks to get this running? I did some changes to the functions.php without success (found some code snippet via google).

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


iddeo on ""Add object" button directly to Upload screen?"


Hi everyone!

I was looking for a way to make "Add Object" button directly shows the upload file screen instead of media library one... I know you can click the tab in library screen but is just to make less steps as possible. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance!

jpcooling2 on "Children menu on pages (vertical)"


Does anyone know how to place a vertical menu on a page (not a post)?
For example you click 'food' on the top menu, which has roll down children and it takes you to the master food page. This will contain a summary and introduction AND its own menu of all the children that are in the initial dropdown.
I would like to use the same menu styling as the one on the theme.



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