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jeriksson on "Do something to a tag archive if post_count less than 3, how?"


I've aksed this in other sections of the forums without any luck.

I'm trying to do a php if statement on my tag archives

in my wordpress header, something like this:

<?php if (is_tag() && !is_tag(array('1','2','3')) && $count > 3) { ?> <html goes here> <?php } ?>

So first i need to check if the post is a tag, if it is a tag i need it to check it's not one of the follow tags 1,2 or 3. Then i need to check that the tag has less posts than 3 to trigger the html output

Any php / wordpress genius able to assist me in accomplishing something like this?

Thank you!

melanie bund on "redirect user by role"


Hi am trying to redirect specific users to a custom page, have tried to add different code snippets to my functions page, some dont work others send all users there - below is i presume the basic code which does not seem to work though it should?
´// Redirect editor
function wp_redirect_users_by_role() {

$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$role_name = $current_user->roles[0];

if ( 'editor' === $role_name ) {
wp_redirect( 'http://photohunters.org/add-star' );
if ( 'administrator' === $role_name ) {
wp_redirect( 'http://photohunters.org/wp-admin' );
} // if

} // wp_redirect_users_by_role
add_action( 'admin_init', 'wp_redirect_users_by_role' ); ´

thanks Melanie

Corneliatt on "Strip down get_the_title() - compare with CPT"


Hi! I've got a query that looks like this:

$title = get_the_title();

$new_query = new WP_Query(array('faq' => $title, 'post_type' => 'question_faq', 'orderby' => 'rand', 'showposts' => '1'));

This works perfectly, until $title got "!?>åäö" etc. Is there a way to strip down all this "extras", or get a "slug version" of a the_title()? Or do you have any other ideas of how to compare my custom post type "faq" slugs with the_title?

Thank you in advance!

gbadmin on "Conditional Statements"


The current code below controls what text is added as an overlay on the page banners for each custom post type (products, people, and news). I am trying to add a new statement to display custom text on one particular news post.

Any ideas?

/**Displaying Custom Field Data**/
	$featuredtext = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'featured-text', true );
	if( ! empty( $featuredtext ) && ! is_search() ) {
		foreach( $featuredtext as $text)
		    echo '<div class="banner-text"><span>'.$text['featured-image-text'].'</span></div>';
	} elseif ($current_posttype == 'products' || is_search()) {
				echo '<div class="banner-text"><span>' . get_option('prodFeaturedText') . '</span></div>';
	} elseif ($current_posttype == 'people') {
				echo '<div class="banner-text"><span>' . get_option('peopleFeaturedText') . '</span></div>';
	} elseif ($current_posttype == 'news') {
				echo '<div class="banner-text"><span>' . get_option('newsFeaturedText') . '</span></div>';

Please Add Screenshots on "How to echo the author's name with a link to the author's post"


I have this piece of code...

echo "<a href='".get_permalink($post_id)."' title='". $p->post_title ."'>" . $p->post_title . "</a> ";

Instead of displaying the post title I'd like it to display the post's author's name (but still link to the post)

Thanks heaps if you can help


pipspeak on "html tags in tinyMCE meta box not being encoded on page"


I have a meta box that uses tinyMCE instead of a plain textarea, but all html tags I use are simply being passed as text instead of correctly rendered on the page. Seems to be a filters issue, but I have no idea where to apply filters in the meta box functions. I would basically like to use exactly the same filters and html decoding in this meta box as are used in the post's main tinyMCE-powered text area.

I added tinyMCE using this code:

$value = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'new_field', true );
$editor_id = 'new_field';
$settings = array( 'media_buttons' => false );
wp_editor( $value , $editor_id, $settings );

When saving I apply esc_textarea:

$my_data = esc_textarea( $_POST['new_field'] );

Sometime between that and the page, the HTML tags just get ignored. Any suggestions appreciated.

pipspeak on "add a new class to featured images"


What would the best way be to add an optional class to the "add featured image" process? I want the ability to change the style of some featured images but not others (to be decided when the image is added to a post), so simply assigning a style to an existing featured image class is not an option and nor is assigning a style to images on specific pages.

I assume a new meta field is required, but I'm curious if there's a more obvious way to do this. Thanks.

grasu on "Send post excerpt in mails and leave full post in rss feed?"



I'm trying to "cut" the mails I'm sending throughout Jetpack to my subscribers but I want to leave the full post in the RSS feed.
It's there an elegant way of doing that?

misharnet on "Theme Check problem"


I am creating my first WP Theme and I would like to upload it to wordpress.org. That's why I use, as recommended, Theme Check Plugin.

I resolved other issues, except these two.
1. REQUIRED: The <title> tags can only contain a call to wp_title(). Use the wp_title filter to modify the output

I understand that is related to title tag in header.php, am I wrong?
This is my header:

<!doctype html>
<!-- paulirish.com/2008/conditional-stylesheets-vs-css-hacks-answer-neither/ -->
<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 7]>    <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]>    <html class="no-js lt-ie9" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]-->
<!-- Consider adding a manifest.appcache: h5bp.com/d/Offline -->
<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html class="no-js" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <!--<![endif]-->

	<meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>" />
	<!-- Always force latest IE rendering engine (even in intranet) & Chrome Frame -->
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"><title><?php wp_title( '|', true, 'right' ); ?></title>
	<meta http-equiv="cleartype" content="on">

	<!-- Responsive and mobile friendly stuff -->
	<meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="True">
	<meta name="MobileOptimized" content="320">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

	<link rel="profile" href="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11" />
	<link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?>" />

	<?php wp_head(); ?>

What is wrong with it?

2. REQUIRED: screen_icon() found in the file class-tgm-plugin-activation.php. Deprecated since version 3.8.

Line 381: screen_icon( apply_filters( 'tgmpa_default_screen_icon', 'themes' ) );

Line 1584: screen_icon( apply_filters( 'tgmpa_default_screen_icon', 'themes' ) );

I understand that, but I don't know with what should I replace it?

I am really greatfull for your potential answers.

metronom3 on "How to automatically create a post from JSON instead of RSS"


Instead of using RSS feeds to automatically update my blog using plugins such as WP Robot 4 or AutoBlog, I would like to use a JSON feed and to store the featured image from the JSON... Any ideas of a plugin I could use to do this? My host supports CRON so that could be used to automatically update the blog every 12 hours etc?

An example of the feed that im using is;


Which can be seen

The reason im trying to use Json instead of RSS is that I cannot get the imaage url to export to the RSS but the element is present in the JSON which is Item.News:Image

Please Add Screenshots on "conditional: redirect to a page if the user has published a post"


conditional: redirect to a page if the user has published a post.

What code could be used to redirect a user to a specific page if they haven't published a post?



pSyToR on "Plugin Development - jQuery ... How the... am i supposed to..."


Hi Everyone,

I found 100s of different ways to do it... But I just can't get my head around it... I just cannot find anything clear on how to do it... And whatever I try it just doesn't work.

I tried to read the codex... and the developer handbook... and many other other... website... and even more than that... I just cannot make jQuery work...

Does ANYONE has a clear guide on how to do it... Or an example I could include in my file to understand how this thing work?

For example I did the following:

function easyreg_load_jquery(){

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'easyreg_load_jquery');

Load the jQuery and then run it with the hook for wp_enqueue_scripts.

Once this is done, from what I read everywhere I should be able to use a jQuery script inside my plugin (directly not even in a .JS file).

/do something

But "jquery is not recognised"...

I tried to link to a JS script... but it doesn't seem to be loaded... Which is why I would need a script to give me a PROPER working example.

I am not pointing to any other jQuery in my plugin, it's the only time I'm calling it...

I just need a simple script to disable some fields in my Admin section of my plugin I cannot believe it is so complicated... I'm sure I'm just missing a little something

360zen on "Trouble using get_pages with pre_get_posts hook"


Hi there,
I'm struggling to get the results I want here. After a couple hours of googling/forum scraping, I've decided it's time for a new post.

I'm trying to look at children of the current (queried) page, and if the page has a specific term within a specific taxonomy, show the child page content instead of the originally queried page. Here's my code (via gist).

This method actually works perfectly on the home page. The child page of "Home" is found, and the query is altered to show that page. However, I get no results when I try this on /about-us/mission/ for example (even though there is a child page that fits the conditions). If I var_dump($children), on the "Home" page, I get one result: the correct one. If I var_dump($children) on another page, I just get an array of ALL top level pages (and no children of anything). What am I doing wrong here? I've tried this without the 'parent' parameter AND without the 'child_of' parameter.

If I var_dump($pid) on any page besides the home page, I receive "int(0)". I imagine this is the root of the problem. Something about $query->query_vars['page_id'] is not yielding the actual ID of the current page. I don't know if just haven't found the correct combination of parameters, or if there is a fundamental flaw in what I'm attempting...

Any help would be much appreciated.

Please Add Screenshots on "How to automatically create a new post when a new user registers"

add_action( 'user_register', 'myplugin_registration_save', 10, 1 );

function myplugin_registration_save( $user_id ) {
    //Here you can update user information after they registered
    if ( isset( $_POST['first_name'] ) ) {
        update_user_meta($user_id, 'first_name', $_POST['first_name']);

    // Here you can insert new post for registered users
    $my_post = array(
        'post_title' => 'Title',
        'post_content' => 'some content',
        'post_status' => 'publish',
        'post_author' => $user_id, //If to assign post to the currently registered user otherwise put 1
        'post_type' => 'post'

    // Insert the post into the database
    $_post_id = wp_insert_post($my_post);
    if ($_post_id) {
        return 'post inserted';

digiblogger on "Custom fuction for dynamical links in wordpress menu"



I hope to get some help because I can not solve this on my own. It´s really frustrating.

My aim is to create a standard wordpress menu via the build in appearance - menus.
I want to create a function, that changes an URL like "/authors/--username--/profile.php" to "/authors/max/profile.php".

This is my function, added to functions.php

function filter_function_name( $object = "" ) {
    print_r( $object );
    if ( !exist( $object->url ) ) {
        return $object;
    $user = wp_get_current_user();
    $newlink = str_replace( "--username--", $user->user_login, $object->url );
    $object->url = $newlink;
    return $object;
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_objects', 'filter_function_name' );

From my opionion, this should work. But when adding this and reload my page, everything disappears. Only the background image (body background) is still there.
So, I think, there is a mistake somewhere.

Can anybody find it for me? I have really no idea.

techaddict on "Can we set SEO meta data for SEO Plugin like WP Yoast SEO using API?"


I am creating a WP Writer kind of dashboard WP has api to post content, set/create category using API. But I am unable to find way to set SEO Meta Data using API.

Can anyone help or provide info related that?


techaddict on "Can we set SEO meta data for SEO Plugin like WP Yoast SEO using API?"


I am creating a WP Writer kind of dashboard WP has api to post content, set/create category using API. But I am unable to find way to set SEO Meta Data using API.

In short can we set custom field using API?

Can anyone help or provide info related that?


ak47marx22 on "How to unset "Featured image" metabox in page but keep it for custom post type?"


Hi, I have to hide featured image on page (wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page) but need it to be visible on custom page type (wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=testimonial)

What would be the correct snippet in theme functions.php?


malkah on "Responsive theme- change the order of elements in a page"


Hello members of the forum

I have a WordPress site with a responsive theme.
here is an example of a relevant page:

I use a widget of a small search form: widget_mfn_infopay

when I enter an inside page like the above example, from a cellular devise or a small resolution device the responsive theme fires but the CONTENT section is above the widget.
So a user needs to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to reach the widget area.
how can I change the order of the page only for cellulars, so that the widget is **above** the content?

I will appreciate any help,

sonnycool on "MYSQL queries issue"


I have a reasonable site with wp install as real estate portal, but it seem like some queries is killing my server (yes dedicated xeon quad with 8 gb ram).
my site with 30k post and daily with 1000 post increase, but each new post created query below and crash my MYSQL server ....
any solution ?
I'm noob on this, wanna find some one to help but most help is purely BS with ridiculous price but do nothing type.
any one here can guide me from here ? cause my site is growing now.

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ipp_posts.ID FROM ipp_posts LEFT JOIN ipp_term_relationships AS r ON (ipp_posts.ID = r.object_id) LEFT JOIN ipp_term_taxonomy AS x ON (r.term_taxonomy_id = x.term_taxo
nomy_id) AND (x.taxonomy = 'ad_tag' OR x.taxonomy = 'ad_cat' OR 1=1) INNER JOIN ipp_postmeta AS m ON (ipp_posts.ID = m.post_id) LEFT JOIN ipp_terms AS t ON x.term_id = t.term_id WHERE 1=1 AND
(((ipp_posts.post_title LIKE '%all%') OR (ipp_posts.post_content LIKE '%all%') OR ((t.name LIKE '%all%')) OR ((t.slug LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_price') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) O
R ((m.meta_key = 'cp_street') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_city') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_state') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.me
ta_key = 'cp_property_name') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_for_sale__for_rent') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_country') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%al
l%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_zipcode') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_region') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_size') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%'))
OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_feedback') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_currency') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_tensure') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%'))
OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_outdoor_indoor_space') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_land_area') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_fixtures__fittings') AND (m.me
ta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_property_features') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_facilities') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_build_up
_area') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_bedrooms') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_bathrooms') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_f
urniture') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_land_type') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_sys_ad_conf_id') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%'))) AND ((ipp_pos
ts.post_title LIKE '%properties%') OR (ipp_posts.post_content LIKE '%properties%') OR ((t.name LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((t.slug LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_price') AND (m.meta_valu
e LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_street') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_city') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_state') AND
(m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_property_name') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_for_sale__for_rent') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%'))
OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_country') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_zipcode') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_region') AND (m.meta_value LIK
E '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_size') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_feedback') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_currency') AND
(m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_tensure') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_outdoor_indoor_space') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR
((m.meta_key = 'cp_land_area') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_fixtures__fittings') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_property_features') A
ND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_facilities') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_build_up_area') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((
m.meta_key = 'cp_bedrooms') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_bathrooms') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_furniture') AND (m.meta_value LIK
E '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_land_type') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_sys_ad_conf_id') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%'))) OR (ipp_posts.post_title
LIKE '%all properties%') OR (ipp_posts.post_content LIKE '%all properties%')) AND (ipp_posts.post_status = 'publish') AND (ipp_posts.post_type IN ('ad_listing')) GROUP BY ipp_posts.ID ORDER BY (
CASE WHEN ipp_posts.post_title LIKE '%all properties%' THEN 1 WHEN ipp_posts.post_title LIKE '%all%' AND ipp_posts.post_title LIKE '%properties%' THEN 2 WHEN ipp_posts.post_title LIKE '%all%' OR ip
p_posts.post_title LIKE '%properties%' THEN 3 WHEN ipp_posts.post_content LIKE '%all properties%' THEN 4 ELSE 5 END), ipp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 1387, 19;
# Time: 150206 2:32:31
# User@Host: ipp_my1[ipp_my1] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 182.076232 Lock_time: 0.000314 Rows_sent: 19 Rows_examined: 14473882
SET timestamp=1423161151;
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ipp_posts.ID FROM ipp_posts LEFT JOIN ipp_term_relationships AS r ON (ipp_posts.ID = r.object_id) LEFT JOIN ipp_term_taxonomy AS x ON (r.term_taxonomy_id = x.term_taxo
nomy_id) AND (x.taxonomy = 'ad_tag' OR x.taxonomy = 'ad_cat' OR 1=1) INNER JOIN ipp_postmeta AS m ON (ipp_posts.ID = m.post_id) LEFT JOIN ipp_terms AS t ON x.term_id = t.term_id WHERE 1=1 AND
(((ipp_posts.post_title LIKE '%all%') OR (ipp_posts.post_content LIKE '%all%') OR ((t.name LIKE '%all%')) OR ((t.slug LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_price') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) O
R ((m.meta_key = 'cp_street') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_city') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_state') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.me
ta_key = 'cp_property_name') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_for_sale__for_rent') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_country') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%al
l%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_zipcode') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_region') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_size') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%'))
OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_feedback') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_currency') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_tensure') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%'))
OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_outdoor_indoor_space') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_land_area') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_fixtures__fittings') AND (m.me
ta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_property_features') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_facilities') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_build_up
_area') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_bedrooms') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_bathrooms') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_f
urniture') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_land_type') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_sys_ad_conf_id') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%all%'))) AND ((ipp_pos
ts.post_title LIKE '%properties%') OR (ipp_posts.post_content LIKE '%properties%') OR ((t.name LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((t.slug LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_price') AND (m.meta_valu
e LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_street') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_city') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_state') AND
(m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_property_name') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_for_sale__for_rent') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%'))
OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_country') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_zipcode') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_region') AND (m.meta_value LIK
E '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_size') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_feedback') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_currency') AND
(m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_tensure') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR ((m.meta_key = 'cp_outdoor_indoor_space') AND (m.meta_value LIKE '%properties%')) OR
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